Become a Looka affiliate

Earn up to $45 USD of every sale made through your referral!

More than 20 million small business owners across 188 countries have used Looka’s logo maker to generate beautiful, unique logo ideas for their business.

Join our affiliate program to earn up to 35% of every sale that’s made through your referral — some of our affiliates have already made more than $5,000!

Become an affiliate

Mississippi Ricks logo design and brand identity.

How it works

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Sign up and get your link, which will track every click and conversion

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Share your link on your website, social channels or anywhere else online

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Earn up to 35% of every sale when your referrals buy a logo package

Become an affiliate

Our tiered commission structure

Looka Tiered Commission Structure

Your affiliate FAQs, answered.

Looking for discounts on our logo packages?

For agencies, consultants, courses, etc. who see a high-volume of people needing logos, we do offer bulk discounts for our logo packages.

Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] to learn more.

Get started today!

Use Looka's AI-powered platform to create a logo, design a website, and build a brand you love.